Photos in Lieu of Words

I’m trying desperately to get back to blogging, but I haven’t had a long enough moment to sit down and write. I’m sorry. I’m working on posts a little at a time when I can and I hope to get something up by the weekend. But no promises. Just taking it as it comes at the moment. This time next week I will be in a bit more of a routine again and hope to be able to write consistently again. I have missed it.

To keep you going though, I’m going to do a photo-post. Easier for you to read, easier for me to write, win-win!



It was nearly the end of November when I got my first Christmas cup! I normally drink my coffee in places, so don’t get a take-out cup!



Me, my little brother – James, and My little sister – Kelly.

We had a formal Christmas dinner for the youth. All the leaders and most of the youth went. The elders and pastors waited and cleared up. Amazing musicians, and brilliant cooks. It was an all-round fantastic evening. We can’t get rid of all our crazy – even for formal events.


Sunday consisted of a LOT of these.



In order for people to make a ton of these! Christingles – an advent tradition in England. The orange represents the world; the red tape, Jesus’ blood; the 4 toothpicks, the 4 gospels which are to be spread to the 4 corners of the earth; the 9 sweets/fruits, the 9 fruits of the spirit; and the candle, Jesus the light of the world.



Christmas late-night shopping. This brass band were playing right beneath my bedroom, the whole floor was vibrating! Beautiful music though.



We had a house Christmas Party / me leaving. This cute girly was my favourite guest – no questions.



closely followed by these lovelies who came from miles away just to be with me! Love them!



It all got a bit much at this party, so I decided to grow a mustache for Movember.



Cold, cold, weather, but bright blue skies with winter trees – beauty.



Amazing stag in the park near here.



My beautiful cousin with whom I’m staying for a few days. Joyful girl.


I hope you enjoyed that little insight into my life. I hoe to be back with more words soon.

Apologies in abundance


Confession: This week there are no photos.


As I said yesterday, life got a bit crazy. And last week I had a theme planned out and everything… but I took 1 photo all week. Sorry, and when I look back over my year it will seem that there were only 51 weeks in my year! oh well.


Second apology – to make up for my lack of week in photos I had hoped to have a post ready to put up… but I don’t have that either. Apparently this getting my life in order malarkey isn’t working out as smoothly as I had hoped! BUT I am getting there slowly, so next week let’s hope everything is back to normal!


Thank for bearing with me friends.


Life in Photos: Week Four

I’m sorry my blog has just been my routine Monday, Tuesday, and Friday posts recently. What with my health not being great, and it being easter, and struggling for words, I’ve not really had the time or energy to write much. I have written a few things in the past few days however, and I plan to get onto posting them up here soon. Thanks for baring with me :o)


For now lets get on with the past week…. are you ready to see what it entailed?!?!!???


Tuesday April 10


This week my church puts on a football (soccer) school as an outreach program. Kids aged 7-15 come along and spend the day getting football coaching and learning about God! All those football coaches requite a lot of cake, and so my sister and I spend Tuesday evening  baking two yummy cakes for them. I think my contribution is far more appreciated in cake baking than it would be in coaching!


Wednesday April 11


Look what I got in the post! Isn’t it beautiful? It used to be a silver teaspoon, and now it’s my bracelet :o) When I was going through a really difficult time recently I read this quote and then a couple of days later a blog post (I can’t remember who or where, sorry!) on the same topic. It’s scientific too, apparently, that the night is at it’s darkest point just before dawn breaks. And in our lives too, when it’s the darkest, the dawn is about to come. Wow! When things seem pitch black, and you can’t see how to carry on, remember, dawn IS coming. The quote still speaks volumes to me and fills me with hope. I am so thankful to wear it on my wrist each day as a constant reminder. I’m thinking of having the opposite side (the handle) engraved with “TRUST” my OneWord 2012. The two are so intertwined.


Thursday April 12


Admission: This photo doesn’t actually have anything really to do with Thursday. I spent the morning hanging out with my sister, just having offloading time with each other. Then the afternoon finding myself a house! (oh I’m moving house!!!) But in amongst that I never took a photo. These daffodils have kept me intrigued all week however. I bought them allclosed up, and then when they opened up I was shocked by the VERY strange colors! And as the week progressed the trumpet part continued to change color until they were the same pale yellow shade as the petals – very odd!


Friday April 13


This is my swimsuit hanging up after “Aqua-fit”. I have been finding it really difficult to get any exercise recently between my bad joints and my super-low energy levels. However I’ve found water-based activities are kind on my bones… so I’ve started attending aqua-fit once a week. Which is like aerobics, bt in water. It’s a lot of fun, and I look forward to it. My energy levels still aren’t convinced, I tend to have to spend the majority of the following day in bed sleeping it off… but slowly I think I’m managing to persuade my energy levels that this is a beneficial activity, and they really should let me get on with it! It seems to be getting easier each week. So I’m persevering.


Saturday April 14


Saturday was the final day of our football school outreach. All the parents, and whoever else, are invited along for the “world cup” tournament, and then a BBQ, followed by a parents vs coaches match. So I went up and spent my afternoon cheering on various teams and eating free hotdogs!


Sunday April 15


Sunday was very much  a day of two tales. One was this. Drinking gallons of laxatives in order to clear out my guts for my colonoscopy. It wasn’t much fun, nor was it very tasty. But I’ve experienced much worse, so it was very bearable. Plus there’s this pretty cool little lady called Kelly who always seems to hang out with me when I need her most. Like this day and night. The other tale… well that’s a separate post which is coming tomorrow.


Monday April 16


Monday was spent having bits and bobs done in hospital. Then I got to go home, which was wonderful. And the immediate results… well they were amazing! So I’m feeling pretty great about that, and very thankful to God for all he’s done, whilst waiting to find out more next week. I actually wanted a photo of my evening, but didn’t manage to get my camera out. Some lovely friends came over, Chinese take-away in hand, to hang out and make me feel better :o) Have I ever told you what caring friends I have?


That sums up my week… what did you get up to?
I’ve got a theme for my photos next week… find out what it is next Tuesday!